Liam Jacobson's Recent Blogs

My blogs are private just to my fan club members! I can write dirty fantasies or keep you updated about my life with my blogs. All in all, I love this form of communicating with those that are my best supporters as it gives them a way to constantly see me

Just uploaded some new pictures Date: Oct 29th @ 8:45pm EDT
For the first time in a really long time, check em out tell me what you think
So.. Date: Oct 29th @ 8:21pm EDT
Im probably about to come on for a little bit, if anyone wants to hang out and talk and maybe do something mutual let me know :)
Saving up for an interactive toy Date: Oct 24th @ 12:02pm EDT
Pretty much what the title says, I'm saving up for an interactive toy, specifically a Diamo to make things more interesting for you guys and for me, feel free if you want to help me get towards this goal!
Hey guys Date: Oct 15th @ 8:28pm EDT
Its Liam. I know I have been absent for a bit and im now recently just getting back on here but honestly there is a really good reason for my absence, i prefer not to speak about it in public but to those who care im sure we will get the chance to speak about it eventually. It was a nightmare of an experience that just snowballed and im glad its over. Glad to be here. Anyway just wanted to give you guys an update. If my Bio is acting a little odd i already called about it so i hope its fixed or getting fixed. Love you guys
Don’t be afraid to.. Date: Feb 7th @ 5:57pm EST
Literally ask questions, or request things from me. Boring rooms aren’t cool. I will always provide music and conversation but if I initiate it or try to and no one else is it gets hard. So be a little more out there guys, no judgment and I promise I’m super social and nice. Also, tipping me is always accepted, warms my heart to know I mean something.
Taking great shots Date: Feb 7th @ 5:54pm EST
Just updating you guys on my day I guess, found out after uploading that the total number of images Braine over the past 30 days was like 43,000. Lol so basically I just bought a Samsung Galaxy 10 last week and my partner decided to convince me to buy an iPhone so I actually did. I was hesitant because i had just bought a brand new nice phone days prior and it still had the IMEI code sticker on the back, so it’s like brand new. So fast forward $500.00+ Later and I buy a brand new in the box iPhone XR in black 64gbs and have completely fell in love with it. It’s the slickest and most fastest phone I’ve ever used and the retina display Is amazing. Also the manual camera as well as the automatic is out of this world. Coolest part? It lets you control the lights, the TV as a virtual Apple remote, controls heat settings, great sound system And large entire surface screen. I honestly think it’s the best phone I ever owned. Thought I was making a bad investment, was completely wrong.
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